
Why still calcium calcium years

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Why still calcium calcium for many years ?
In the calcium therapy, often encounter a universal problem that some people even served a few years or calcium calcium , bone mineral density at the time of inspection or the doctor says osteoporosis. Why is this ? On this issue to understand from the following aspects.
Most scholars small dose of calcium recommended to prevent osteoporosis calcium intake to 1000-1500 mg daily . At present, China produces calcium preparations , most marked in accordance with the amount of calcium dose , while the amount of calcium and calcium content vary greatly. Such as calcium lactate calcium per 8 grams only 1 gram. Dose of calcium , the calcium content must be how to fill . For example, commonly used Gaitianli and vitality calcium granules, calcium content is 25 milligrams , that such dietary calcium supplementation of 600 mg per day , then at least be served daily calcium and vitality Gaitianli 24 ( 600 mg ) , to meet the needs of the elderly and in patients with osteoporosis . Other calcium supplement is the same principle , is to be marked according to the manufacturer 's calcium content , rather than the amount of calcium , usually 600 mg daily . If the dose is too small , of course, can not receive calcium effect.
Calcium imbalance in the normal case , the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in bone is 0.6 , i.e., every 3 mEq / l of calcium have 2 mEq / l phosphorus. Calcium to phosphorus ratio is inappropriate, it will affect calcium absorption and utilization. Especially phosphorus deficiency will lead to bone loss . Elderly due to reduced intake , combined with fish , liver, meat , eggs and other foods rich in phosphorus fear , inadequate intake, despite adequate calcium supplements , but because there is not enough phosphorus , no significant increase in calcium deposition . The reason for the fresh milk osteoporosis favorable milk calcium to phosphorus ratio is appropriate to achieve calcium, phosphorus double- up role.

