
How trace elements such as silicon, calcium supplement

Investigation of many experts in the world that: Calcium deficiency is a serious threat to human disease , the global population suffer from mental and millions of great physical suffering , directly affects the improvement of human quality. Experts called on all sectors of society should be highly valued !
Fetus from maternal calcium obtained , used to make 99% of the bone , leaving only 1% in the form of free calcium ions in the blood is called " serum calcium silicon ." However, data shows that: after the birth , everyone into the different levels of calcium deficiency situation. People of any age are calcium , children and the elderly are more serious. Scientists found that since the age of 20 , the total weight of the bones to an annual rate of 1% decline, after the age of 50 , bone weight has been reduced by 30% overall - this is a scientific and startling conclusion .
As the " calcium hunger" , leading to the body's so-called "calcium move ." That is, the calcium bones constantly escape into the blood to maintain normal levels of serum calcium. The proportion between serum Carborundum Abrasives with calcium must maintain a long-term balance , otherwise , it will produce "calcium move " so abnormal calcium metabolism imbalance. A person within a few days or a month or calcium hunger temporarily affect serum calcium , but if things go on, calcium deficiency disease occurs : the child showed sparse hair , anorexia, irritability, night terrors , rickets , etc. ; youth skeletal dysplasia , eye disorders ; pregnant waist, leg pain , and affect fetal development , even teratogenic etc. ; osteoporosis in the elderly , degenerative bone hyperplasia , stone disease , hypertension , diabetes, dementia and so on.
Obviously, calcium plays an important role in the life course .

