
Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide Fibers

Silicon carbide fibers the maximum use temperature of 1200 ℃, the heat resistance and oxidation resistance are better than carbon fiber, strength of 1960 ~ 4410MPa, the maximum use temperature strength retention rate of 80%, modulus of 176.4 ~ 294GPa, chemical stability, too.
Silicon carbide fibers are mainly used for high-temperature materials and reinforced materials, high temperature materials including thermal shielding materials, heat resistant conveyor belt, filtered hot gas or molten metal filter cloth. When used as a reinforcing material, often with carbon fibers or glass fibers in combination with reinforced metal (such as aluminum) and ceramics based, such as brake pads made of jet engine blades, landing gear and fuselage structural materials, and also can be used as sporting goods, and its short-cut fibers are used as high temperature furnaces and other materials.
The manufacturing process of the silicon carbide filament is above 400 ℃ polysilane, a thermal transposition reaction, the methyl group on the side chain to form a methylene, into the main chain of silicon - silicon, the formation of polycarbosilane, then dry spinning or melt spinning into fibers. In order to prevent fiber fusion bonding occurs during carbonization, must first do not melt at a lower temperature processing perishable. Not melt the fiber in a vacuum or inert gas is heated to 1200 ~ 1500 ℃, the side chain methyl and hydrogen in prolapse, leaving only the silicon - carbon skeleton component, and the formation of the structure of β-silicon carbide fibers. Finally, cluster sizing handle and winding. Depending on the type of sizing agent end use, when used in reinforced plastics resin sizing agent can be used, reinforced metal and ceramics requires further lower temperature heat decomposed by the sizing agent. The - SiC continuous fibers composed of fine grains, can be vapor deposition or sintering method spinning manufacture.

