
Garnet degaussing method

Mineral water immersion Garnet
Buy a new bottle of mineral water, then let a glass bowl, pour the garnet sand into the cup and mineral water soak for 24 hours. To balance the negative energy spar.
Defense salt immersion method
The spar into a glass house, in accordance with each bracelet 10 grams defense salt, calculated against 500 ml of mineral water, soak for 24 hours, after soaking with mineral water or purified water rinse and then dry, then digestion crystal magnetic field around the stone, you can also give pieces Crystal degaussing, the amount of Cadogan several defense salt and mineral water. Note that the salt say is Japan's defense salt, non-ordinary salt, defense salt of the metal, crystal-corrosive, does not change the nature of crystal. Obsidian recommended defense salt demagnetized.
Under what circumstances need degaussing
Long time no degaussing (recommended at least once a month eliminate magnetic), is not like touch, wishes come true, and out of the filthy places (such as funeral homes, hospitals, cemeteries), met sewage stolen goods and so need degaussing.

