
Corundum smelting general method of operation

Corundum smelting belong mineral hot furnace melting, smelting There are three main ways: Fixed furnace melting block method, dumping furnace smelting and refining flow mode method, because large-scale investment exile smelting, present, China mainly uses a fixed block method and dumping melting furnace furnace smelting two ways:
1, the dumping of the furnace (method) the production of corundum crystalline aggregates many small crystal size, and the distribution of high glass phase in the grain boundary, so that poor toughness, brittleness, shedding from sharp abrasive resistance, good compactness, compared with bonded abrasives and refractories adapted.
2, frit furnace (France) produced corundum, crystal aggregates small crystal size large, glassy less, so poor brittleness, toughness, wear resistance is good. Because crystals, toughness and brittleness better this way produced corundum smelting more adapted to the manufacture of coated abrasives. It is still the largest production and use of abrasive abrasive.
In recent years, due to bauxite resources for corundum smelting bauxite serious decline in quality, in particular commodity quality corundum difficult to achieve downstream product quality requirements, so corundum abrasives production, processing and post-processing becomes increasingly more important.

