
There are new developments in silicon carbide carbon double success

Technology is evolving , is endless , master of science and technology to master the future , the current silicon carbide in science and technology , there has been a new development , the standard of silicon carbide prospects bright.
In an atmosphere of carbon tetrachloride carbon SiC surface layer made ??new progress in preparing for the chlorine source and carbon tetrachloride by carbide derived carbon (CDC) process and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) law , successfully prepared on the surface of the silicon carbide layer carbon . The carbon layer respectively formed by chlorination of silicon carbide and carbon tetrachloride CDC subsurface formation of pyrolytic CVD surface composition. Film forming temperature of the layer has an important role . Since the CDC chlorination process is much higher than the deposition rate of CVD process , so CDC layer is thicker than the CVD layer .
The researchers believe that by introducing hydrogen as well as ways to reduce low temperature evaporation of carbon tetrachloride CDC layer thickness. The carbon layer formation mechanism of chloride and CVD silicon carbide layers are formed , but these two competing processes occur simultaneously . The carbon layer may be used as a better interface than the CDC coatings on metal matrix composite material, the mechanical seal can also be used as lubricating coating.
Extensive use of silicon carbide , silicon carbide almost all walks of life are inseparable , but the most important of the earliest silicon carbide is used in abrasive applications on . Silicon carbide abrasive industry is one of the most basic ingredients . Although there is now a new development of silicon carbide , silicon carbide , however the most important application areas or in the abrasive article .

