
Explains how to better develop the corundum

Corundum is the most common major abrasive a product, the product has many advantages, abrasives carried out related to the conduct. Current national exercise restraint corundum, screening exercise small stove, but in fact is encouraging enterprises to take a group of road.
Known as dental abrasives industry reputation. Commonly used in the grinding or abrasive abrasive grinding thing as the parts to be processed to be machined, and reaches a certain skill requirements. Twelfth Five-Year Plan "beginning to carry out abrasive professional conduct has brought great opportunities and challenges. Energy conservation, hygiene production will showcase the produce in abrasive occupational category, in addition, the state machinery , shipbuilding, automobiles, airplanes and other areas of policy will also abrasive corundum abrasives production and carry out a great impact.
As a special abrasive incomparable career, there is abrasive in terms of energy saving exercise problems, current domestic overcapacity corundum appearance, followed by the implementation of national energy conservation policy, the next step will be a screening approach point behind corundum occupations capacity. Estimates of future five-year career abrasives tone will also be carried out throughout the country's economic policy tone.
Our abrasive mall after nearly a decade of conduct, constitutes a fundamental mall format once. China has become abrasive producing countries, but not power. As a special abrasive incomparable career, there is abrasive in terms of energy saving exercise problems, current domestic overcapacity corundum appearance, followed by the implementation of national energy conservation policy, on small corundum processing Square To filter on brown corundum continue to carry out, to embark on the Group of the road.

